Friday, October 30, 2020

 Every Day Is A New Beginning. Get Up, Smile, And Start Again

One thing about this horrible Covid Virus is that it has shown us how precarious life can be. You go happily (or not) on our way until something like this happens and suddenly, everything that we were so sur of prove to be quicksand beneath our feet. Our health, our way of life, the norms that we rely on, seem in jeopardy. 

So there's a point where we begin to examine our lives, most of us anyway, and we begin to value things that go beyond those with a monetary tag. We start to wonder if all that effort we put in to make money, to work harder, is actually going anywhere. And we admit we're afraid. 

Afraid of the new Bogey Man, a nasty virus that can kill or maim. But it's more than that. We begin to examine our lives, readjust out priorities. Seek to do the things that make us happy - and to spend time with those we love, or look to bring love and friendship into our lives. Not easy in a time of lockdown. Two meters apart doesn't make for hugging, does it? 

Down time, time to think, time alone, retrospection, can all be hard on anyone, but especially those who suffer from depression or other mental health issues. If you live with someone who experiences depression, be patient if you can. Encourage hem to get involved in something that fulfills them, even if it's only talking on Zoom. Seek professional help if things get really difficult. 

If you experience depression and nothing is helping, seek professional help. You owe that to yourself. 

And take care of yourself. Keep getting up. Keep starting again.

And remember that this, too, shall pass.